Payment and Delivery

Delivery Options :

Since all products in our store are delivered to you with a special download link, you can receive your purchased product on the same day without waiting for cargo or a physical CD/DVD to arrive. There are no shipping costs associated with this delivery method.

If you purchase software that requires installation, we will remotely connect to your device using the TeamViewer program to install and use the product as soon as possible, including the necessary activation steps. Therefore, when you buy a product that requires installation, it will be sufficient to download the Teamviewer program from the official website and send us a username and password so that we can access it remotely.

Payment methods:

To purchase our product using a credit card, simply click the “Buy Now” button. This will take you to our secure payment gateway, where you can complete your purchase with ease. We also offer alternative payment methods, so you can choose the option that works best for you. At our store, we place a high emphasis on security and protecting your personal information, so you can shop with peace of mind.

Other payment methods:

* Credit or Debit Cards Payments
* Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, etc.
* Google Pay
* Western Union
* MoneyGram

If you have any questions about payment methods or delivery, please contact us.